Mouth guard, which is a short-nociceptive trigeminal inhibition or suppression of voltage NTI-TSS, insert the two front teeth man. Users use the Guard during sleep. Device to prevent clenching of the teeth - which in turn helps prevent migraine and tension headache.
E 'is known that continuous tooth clenching or grinding of teeth wear down and cause them to crack, chip and break. Irregular edge of the front teeth are the most obvious signs, but after stopping teeth and back notches sulfur gum line are also common.
An interesting fact is that most people are fully aware that they grind their teeth. Some people with worn teeth seriously insist that don't grind. The fact is that most clenching and grinding, called bruxism, is performed at night during sleep. That's why most of bruxism do not know their habits.
The muscles of the face around the jaw and sides of the skull can be expanded as hyperactivity. During bruxing, these muscles work very hard.
Like any muscle, overuse can cause pain, spasms and pain. When these muscles are spastic, they can trigger headaches, all kinds of headaches.
It's amazing how many people live in a headache. Some blame the problems of sinus headaches, stress, menstruation, allergies or a few. The truth is that the diagnosis of migraine-specific conditions are difficult, and preventive care almost non-existent.
A recent study has shown that many dentists have long bruxism and headaches if bruxism can be reduced or eliminated, headaches disappear. Traditional treatment for bruxism has been a night shift, a plastic device worn in the mouth like a mouthguard athletics. The vigil covering the teeth in an arc, with vigil in place so that the patient bites on plastic, there's no tooth for a tooth contact during biting you. Every night guard to protect teeth against wear, but a new design has proven to significantly reduce muscle activity. This device is called NTI device.
A recent study by the FDA for migraine sufferers, migraine NTI reduced by 77%, 82% of patients. Nausea associated with migraine decreased by 78%, light and sound sensitivity has dropped by more than 68%.
It is our experience that NTI is most effective in the treatment of all headache which occurs regularly, particularly those present headache in the morning.
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